Friends Find a Way

In Mark chapter 2, we read that Jesus is teaching in Capernaum. Many people heard that he was back and the crowds were forming to listen to him. Jesus was at a home and the crowds were so overwhelming that people were gathering outside into the streets. It was causing quite a stir in the town!

A paralytic lay at home, hearing the commotion. People ran past his door exclaiming that Jesus was right down the road. “Hurry!” they said to each other. “You don’t want to miss this!” Dust flew in the air as they hurried by. But he was used to missing out. Used to being left behind. Used to being a burden. “I wish I could go” he thought, as he had thought so many times before.

As he lay on his mat, he realized the chance to meet Jesus was passing him by. He would stay back with the familiar. The familiar feeling of physical pain, the familiar feeling of his old mat, the familiar feeling of being left behind. He closed his eyes but it couldn’t stop the hot tears.

Suddenly, four of his friends appeared in the doorway. “Let’s go!” they exclaimed. He was a little confused as they gathered around the four corners of his mat. With one unified upheaval he was lifted into the air and on his way to Jesus.

As they bounced along, his friends said “We’re not leaving you behind! You’re going to meet him!”

“This seems a bit impossible. We won’t be able to even get through the door, much less even close to him” the paralytic exclaimed.

“Watch us!” His friends laughed.

In the end, the friends lowered him through a hole in the roof they had dug, straight into the presence of Jesus. That day he was healed- spiritually and physically. What a story of faith and friendship!

I’m so glad the four friends went back for their friend. Aren’t you?

So today, who is someone you know you need to go back for? Who is someone that was left behind, abandoned, or forgotten? Is there someone in pain who doesn’t have the strength right now to pray, go to church, or keep up with daily tasks? Is there someone you know who is discouraged or who has given up? They may not lay on a mat paralyzed, but their heart and spirit have been paralyzed. They need someone to go back for them.

Lord, help us see the ones who need us to go back for them and help them on their way back to you.